Koseido-ryu Jiu-Jitsu Federation

Koseido-ryu Jiu-Jitsu Federation

The Koseido-ryu Jiu-Jitsu Federation (Way of Individual Character Jiu-Jitsu Federation) was formed in 1927 by Master Dewey Deavers in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The current head of the organization is Joseph Hedderman who has the rank of 10th dan (Judan) and the title of Hanshi, which were given to him by the Zen Nihon Budo Renmei located in Kyoto, Japan.

Koshin-ha Chito-ryu Karate Association

Koshin-ha Chito-ryu Association

The Koshin-ha Chito-ryu Karate-do Association (Old-New Group - One Thousand Year Old Empty Hand Way Association) was formed in 2004 by several of the most senior ranking Chito-ryu karate practitioners in the United States. The Koshin-ha Chito-ryu Karate Association has approximately 10 schools in 5 states.

Okinawa Kobudo Doushi Rensei Kai

Kobudo Doushi Rensei Kai

The Okinawa Kobudo Doushi Rensei Kai (Okinawa Ancient Martial Way People of the Same Mind Training Body and Soul Organization) was formed in 2002 by Gakiya Yoshiaki. Gakiya was one of the foremost students of Matayoshi Shinpo, the late head of Matayoshi-ryu Okinawa kobudo. The organization has members in over 10 countries. Currently, the president of the Okinawa Kobudo Doushi Rensei Kai is Neil Stolsmark.

All Japan Seibukan Martial Arts Association

All Japan Seibukan Martial Arts Association

The All Japan Seibukan Martial Arts Association is headquartered in Kyoto, Japan. It is a mulit-disciplinary organization encompassing both armed and unarmed Japanese martial arts. The All Japan Seibukan Martial Arts Association has members in over a dozen countries.

Dai Nippon Butoku Kai

Dai Nippon Butoku Kai

The Dai Nippon Butoku Kai (Greater Japan Martial Virtue Society) was formed in 1895 by the Japanese government to preserve the traditional Japanese martial arts. It is a multi-disciplinary organization encompassing both armed and unarmed Japanese martial arts. The Dai Nippon Butoku Kai has members in over 35 countries.